Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just My Luck

This past Friday I was suppose to board a plane bound for Washington D.C. at 8 o’clock in the morning. I woke up around 5 and decided for the first time ever to check my flight status before I left. After clicking a few buttons I read the dreaded words- CANCELLED. What? It was three hours before my flight left and it had already gotten cancelled? I quickly put on some shoes and walked outside expecting to see the entire city of Dallas underwater, but everything was fine. There was no reason to why my flight was cancelled it was just cancelled. I quickly made sure I would be able to get on the later flight out of Dallas that left at three.

Three o’clock rolls around and I start boarding my airplane. I quietly say to myself how thankful I am that I’m finally getting on a plane. The plane pulls away from the gate and the captain comes over the loud speaker. It turns out within the past three minutes bad wind and a thunderstorm has started in the south section of the airport. There was now only one runway open for takeoffs and there were around ten planes waiting before us to take off. Each takeoff requires around five minutes, which meant the plane wouldn’t be leaving for an hour. I was frustrated. I was supposed to get in D.C. around noon with my first flight and now I wasn’t going to get in until seven thirty. The worst part about it was I had a dinner to attend at seven.

After finally landing in D.C. I had a very enjoyable weekend, until I arrived at the airport to depart. My flight back to Dallas was set to leave D.C. around four-thirty and the weather in D.C. was very calm. I waited for the gate to open to depart, but it never did. Around four-thirty someone from the airlines came on the speaker saying it was raining and our flight would be delayed at least thirty minutes. WHAT??? There wasn’t even an ounce of rain outside! Does the airline company hate me??

Thursday, March 26, 2009

An Unelected Leader

I believe ever situation in our lives has meaning. There are times when we see those meanings and times when they are disguised. This past week was an exciting week for myself as I learned more about my leadership style and myself.

On Wednesday Resident Hall Association elected its president for next year. I participated in the elections as I thought I would make a great president for this organization. As you may have guessed by the title of this post I lost. I was sad that I had lost because I thought this was where I wanted to spend my energy and time next year. However, after thinking about next year I realized it was for the best I wasn’t elected.

All through high school I participated in a form of leadership that was mainly unelected. I only won one out of the three elections I participated, but I was a leader in multiple areas. My eyes were slowly opened to the opportunities available that were for the “unelected leader”. I would be able to spend time mentoring freshman students; I would be able to spend my time developing my human rights group; I would be able to spend my time developing my leadership style.

I’m sure this has happened to many of my readers. Maybe you didn’t get the internship you really wanted this summer; maybe you didn’t get into the study abroad program. Maybe you’re like me who wasn’t elected to an office you thought you wanted. It’s not a matter of what we loose at, it is a matter of what we can do because we aren’t doing something.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I just posted on Meghans blog regarding spring break...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


   Today we live in a messed up economy. This economy has been heading south for years and isn't the fault of any president, but rather the fault of the spending habits of the American people. Look at what crashed first, the housing market. One of the core reasons why the housing market crashed was because Americans were buying up. People would buy houses that were built for people who were making twice as much money. They would have to take out large mortgages/loans. All of a sudden when you can't pay back your mortgages you run into an issue.  All of a sudden to the public it looks like the housing market is on thin ice. 
   Take a look at American publics spending habits with credit cards. Everything gets put on credit cards. People think they can spend money they don't have. They buy cars that are way to expensive. They buy electronics that they wont be able to pay for when the statement comes in the mail.  All of a sudden you have people rushing to the banks asking for loans and asking for refinancing. Banks call back loans and can't receive the amount owed to them and people get scared about having their money in these banks.
      I know its hard to take responsibility but the Economy isn't just affected by the government. We are responsible for this mess too. We decided to spend money we didn't have. We decided to purchase houses, cars, and electronics we could afford.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bauerlen Argument

Screen Time for the young adults/teenagers in our country is growing out of control. While I might not agree with this statement 100% I see where Bauerlen is getting his ideas. He first explains how teens and young adults are adapting to the screen and creating their own preferences. He states, "We might assume that with children at such tender ages the screen activities follow a parent's directive... In truth, however, most of the children have acquired enough knowledge of the screen to form preferences of their own" (75-76). If you looked at my life this would be true. I watch CSI and 24 while my parents watch Ugly Betty and the News. Bauerlen doesn't stop there, however, but explains through statistics how much time and energy is spent looking at a screen. He then compares these statistics with time spent in books/studying, vastly different. Again I can look to my own life and see this occurring. Over break I was glued to my computer watching movies and talking to friends. However, I was also learning when I was on my computer, something I believe Bauerlen does not allow for in his argument. 

The real question comes down to what you think is to much screen time?