Sunday, February 1, 2009

False Fun

    Friday nights to most people are a lot of fun. What exactly makes these nights fun? The only reason why I ask this question is because of what I saw this past weekend. I don’t want to sound judgmental in this post; I’m more interested in finding out why people find it fun to get drunk.

    After loosing in a poker tournament I headed back to my dorm late Friday night. By the time I got back to my dorm it was already well after midnight and I was exhausted. I ended up watching a movie in one of the lounges in my hall, but I kept dozing off while watching the movie. The movie ended and I headed downstairs to sleep.

    When I opened the door to the study room I saw my suitemate and two other students drunk as can be sitting in chairs. You could tell they didn’t really know what was going on as I walked into the room. My suitemate appeared to be attempting to sleep sitting in a chair with his head against his desk. This confused me because if he was really tired he would have just walked the ten feet to his own bed, but he decided the desk was more comfortable.  As I watched him it was actually kind of humorous as he would slowly slide off the desk and then quickly jerk his head back up to rest it on the desk.

     After about ten minutes of him doing this one of his friends told him it was time to go to bed. As he got up from his sleeping spot his arms swung around and knocked a Red Bull off the desk spilling it all over his bags. He didn’t say anything except back away, which caused him to trip over a chair and land on his back. Eventually he went to bed and I expected him to sleep until three the next day. However, when I woke up around noon he was already gone. 

      Later in the day I asked him what time he got up and he explained how he couldn’t sleep an got up at eight in the morning. He then asked me exactly what happened the night before. Even though he appeared to be having the “time of his life” the night before he couldn’t remember a single thing. It was as if he had a false sense of fun.

      Why exactly do college students do this? I’m not condemning drinking or getting drunk. It’s your choice to drink; it’s your choice to how much your body can take and how much you want to take. However, most people will reply to this question that this is the only way to have fun at college- you have to go out and get drunk, you have to drink to have fun, and you have to blend in with the cool crowd. I know plenty of students who drink responsibly and still remember the fun they had the night before. I’m just wondering when my suitemate will realize that he can have fun without the hangovers and sleepless nights.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the fact that it is our choice whether or not we want to drink in college. I also believe that we are solely responsible for the amount of fun we are having. There are many alternatives to going out and drinking to oblivion every weekend. A lot of school sponsored and events that are completely free help to give more of an "alternative" to students looking to have fun elsewhere.
